The Bahamas Unveils The World’s First Carbon-Negative Home


As the housing industry moves towards sustainability, demand for carbon-neutral houses is on the rise. Individuals and communities are seeking homes with a low carbon footprint as environmental concerns and climate change effects become more evident. Partanna Global, a global leader in sustainable housing, has revealed the first climate-resilient and carbon-negative “Home for the World” in Nassau.

Initiative ‘Home for the World:

The Home for the World, the first of 1,000 planned projects, was built in partnership with the Bahamian Government. Part anna Global has committed to build homes similar in collaboration with Bahamian Government. This commitment was made in conjunction with a historic agreement that was signed at COP27. It highlights the importance of these initiatives around the world. The company also plans to release more information in early 2024 about the construction and future production of 29 properties in The Bahamas.

Carbon Positive Construction

This 1,250-square-foot house in the Bahamas not only prevents CO2 emissions, but it also actively eliminates them. This achievement, which is comparable to the carbon absorption by mature trees per year, is a far cry from the typical CO2 production of 70.2 tons during the construction process of a concrete home.

The Honorable Philip E. Davis M.P. and Prime Minister of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas said: As we reveal the world’s very first carbon-negative home here in Nassau it is a testimony that solutions to global crises are often found by those who are most affected. This marvel, which is free of cement, not only absorbs carbon dioxide but also thrives in seawater.

Climate Change Addressed

Climate change and extreme weather events are causing a surge in natural catastrophes that disproportionately impacts poorer countries. According to the World Meteorological Organization, in the past 50 years these events caused two million deaths. Part anna’s material is designed to be stronger when exposed to salt water, providing a solution to countries such as The Bahamas that are susceptible to climate-related hazards.

Reduce Carbon Intensity of Cement

The traditional Portland cement manufacturing process is notorious for being carbon-intensive, releasing significant amounts of carbon dioxide. This construction stands out because it is a departure from the carbon intensive method. The builders don’t use Portland cement but a mix of recycled and natural ingredients. The brine solution, which is concentrated saltwater, activates these ingredients. This interaction produces chemical compounds that are more environmentally friendly than traditional cement. The carbon footprint is reduced, but the energy intensive processes are also decreased.

This reaction between these chemical compounds and brine has a double purpose. These compounds not only provide a strong foundation for the building, but also have the ability to absorb atmospheric CO2. The home acts as a carbon-sink, actively removing CO2 from the air. This innovation is in line with the urgency of combating climate change through a reduction in CO2. This innovative feature transforms a building from a passive structure to an active participant in combating greenhouse gas emissions. It showcases a forward-thinking, sustainable approach.

Part anna’s carbon-negative CMU block

Concrete Masonry Units (CMU) are commonly used as a construction material. Part anna’s CMUs are unique in that they have a carbon-negative property. These blocks, unlike traditional building materials, remove carbon from the air during production and use. A unique combination of materials, manufacturing processes and technologies has made this possible. This new eco-friendly building material sets a standard in terms of environmentally friendly construction. It also offers a path to reducing the carbon footprint. The company’s concrete solution is superior to traditional concrete counterparts in terms of compression strength. Its standard CMU blocks are estimated to be 25 percent stronger than conventional concrete CMU blocks.

In order to ensure that the building is sustainable in its entirety, it also uses carbon-negative cement and pour-in place technology. The entire building is carbon-negative, from the foundations to the final touches. This not only supports structural integrity and durability but also ensures the materials used in construction actively reduce carbon. This integrated approach ensures that all aspects of the building are aligned with environmentally friendly practices.

Rick Fox, NBA Legend, Bahamian and co-founder Partanna Global, commented on the unveiling Partanna’s home for the World. “The world is projected to build an equivalent area to the size The Bahamas every 3 years. It has never been so important to separate development from pollution.

He added that “Our ‘Home for the World,’ which is the answer to the challenge, is The Bahamas. Having experienced the devastation caused by Hurricane Dorian, The Bahamas is the symbol of our movement, to change the world’s way of building – for the better.”

The magnitude of the problem is highlighted by the fact that cement accounts for 9% global CO2 emissions. This, combined with UN projections of 3 billion people needing housing in 2030, highlights the scale of the issue. Partanna’s goal, inspired by the experiences of its co-founders Rick Fox & Sam Marshall, was to break the link between pollution and development.

What is a carbon-negative home?

Carbon-negative homes are environmentally sustainable homes that actively remove more carbon dioxide from the air than they produce. These homes are built and designed with the goal of reducing their carbon footprint. They use eco-friendly materials and practices. They also incorporate elements that store and capture carbon, resulting in a carbon-negative impact on the environment. Carbon-negative houses actively reduce CO2 levels, which is a major step in combating climate change.

Part anna’s Carbon Credits and Recognition

Partanna Global’s primary goal is to offer sustainable housing solutions. The company also strives to meet global standards for construction materials and has achieved prestigious certifications. Partanna Global is planning to expand rapidly, using existing facilities in Westlake LA and a planned expansion into the US. Red Sea Global, Diriyah Company and other strategic collaborations are expected to revolutionise the giga-cities of the Gulf. The ultimate goal is to make climate-friendly concrete a mainstream material that can meet global housing needs and reduce carbon emissions.

Vera, the largest carbon crediting system in the world, has recognized Part anna for its pioneering work. Vera has listed their carbon removal and avoided on its VCS registry. This makes them the first verified carbon-absorbing materials that generate carbon credits. Each credit represents the removal or avoidance of one metric tone of CO2. Part anna’s unique, brine-fortified construction material is a sustainable and durable alternative to the rising sea level and extreme weather events that are affecting the world. This is especially beneficial for areas vulnerable to climate hazards such as the Caribbean.


Carbon-neutral construction is possible through the use sustainable materials, renewable energies, and personal commitment. To drive a widespread change, however, governments must pass supportive legislation. Adoption of carbon-neutral houses is crucial for the future. However, it will require collective efforts to promote renewable energy and sustainable practices.