Kareri from Delhi – Perfect for Nature Lovers

Kareri from Delhi

Kareri from Delhi has been praised by nature lovers all over the world, and it’s not hard to see why. This protected forest reserve in northern India includes national parks and wildlife sanctuaries, as well as several protected bird areas that are free of human settlement, making them perfect places to explore the natural beauty of India. Here are some more reasons why you’ll fall in love with Kareri from Delhi if you visit it today!

Kareri from Delhi offers the perfect destination for nature lovers in Delhi. Close to the natural forests of Gurgaon and Faridabad, Kareri offers an escape from the urban hustle and bustle of Delhi, with various facilities on hand to make your stay comfortable. If you’re looking for the perfect getaway from your hectic city life, head over to Kareri today!

A suburb of Delhi, Kareri offers a quiet and peaceful getaway from the hustle and bustle of the city. This neighborhood isn’t known for great food or entertainment, but that’s what makes it so special to nature lovers looking to escape the noise and pollution of city life. The calmness of this location makes it easy to connect with yourself and those around you in new ways, so spend some time at Kareri to take care of yourself in all the ways that matter most to you.


The city of Delhi has been in the spotlight recently and not just because it is the capital of one of the largest and most populous countries in the world. It has also been a hot topic for visitors and residents alike thanks to its rapidly changing skyline. While this change is exciting, it also means that many older buildings are being torn down to make way for newer ones. One such building that will be forever missed by locals is Kareri House.

Best time to Visit

The best time to visit Kareri is during the monsoon season. The weather is hot and humid, and rainfall adds a freshness to the air. The monsoon season falls in the months of June-September, which means that this time offers lush greenery and a lot of rain! 

The best time to visit is during the monsoon season. The weather is hot and humid, and rainfall adds a freshness to the air. 

The monsoon season falls in the months of June-September, which means that this time offers lush greenery and a lot of rain!

The Weather

Delhi’s weather is typically very hot and humid. The hottest months are March to June, with the monsoon season coming in July and August. The coolest month is January, with September being the wettest month of the year. But there are some trade-offs with living in India: the cost of living can be high because many goods need to be imported due to India’s strict import laws; pollution levels in major cities like Delhi are among the worst on earth; and safety can be a concern at times, as well as finding reliable, affordable housing. Despite all that, if you love nature and want a change of pace from your home country, then Kareri may just be right for you!

The Attractions

Whether you are a nature lover or not, Kareri is the place to go. The area is filled with different types of trees, plants and animals. Wildlife enthusiasts will be delighted at the chance to see peacocks and monkeys roaming around freely. This is also a great location for birdwatching! You will find many different species of birds on your walk through this beautiful forest. If you prefer to stay in one spot, there are plenty of spots to sit down and enjoy the serenity all around you. The natural beauty does not end there.

How to Get There

Getting to Kareri is a bit tricky. For starters, it’s in the middle of nowhere. You’ll need to fly into Jaipur, which is India’s largest city in the Rajasthan region, and then take a bus or hire a car to get there. The best time of year to visit Kareri is during the monsoon season, between June and September (April and October are also great).

1) Fly into Jaipur 

2) Take a bus or hire car to get there 

3) Visit during monsoon season (June-September)

Where to Stay

The best place to stay in Kareri is at the Surya Hotel. Located right on the banks of the Narmada River, this hotel has a selection of large and clean rooms, comfortable beds, and an amazing view. The staff is very friendly and will help you with anything you need during your stay. If you are looking for a romantic weekend getaway or just want to take in some nature, this hotel is perfect.


Kareri, the perfect destination for nature lovers, is a small village in the Indian state of Haryana. The location is off-the-beaten path, but this adds to its charm. If you are looking to explore India in a more authentic way and are willing to trade modern conveniences for an old world experience, Kareri will not disappoint!