Best Web Marketing Tools

Web Marketing

Purchasing goods or services on the Internet is  common  for many users, so this is where you should look for customers. In order for the result to be effective, it is not necessary to spend millions on advertising; Many things can be solved with the help of web marketing tools.

In this article, we will look at the best options for these tools and understand how you can use them to promote your business on the Internet. Profile:

What is web marketing?

Web marketing or Internet marketing agency are specific activities aimed at promoting products or services on the Internet. Its main goal is to find customers and increase business profits. Here are some points that differentiate web marketing from traditional marketing:


The Internet allows you to easily interact with your target audience, understand their needs and  understand how you can improve the product.


You can split your audience to identify an audience and then target your ads to that audience. This means that the ads are only  seen by users who are genuinely interested in your product.

Web analytics

Using various analytics services, you can understand which user actions were  most effective. On this basis, it is easier to organize effective sales.

Sales growth  in web marketing is based on acquiring users. But even that won’t be enough, it’s necessary to convert them into customers, or better yet, loyal customers. Learn how to achieve all of this with the help of web marketing tools  below.

Tools for Web Marketing

There are many different tools for working with web design principles; Their number exceeds one hundred. We will not consider all of them, but will examine only  those that are the most popular and effective.

Landing or Business Website

The first thing a business should have is a website. Nowadays everyone uses a search engine and looks  for the information they need. Let’s say I need cleaning services and the first thing I do, as  most of us probably do, is go to Google and type in the search query cleaning services or cheap and quick cleaning. The result: many websites, one of which could be yours.

Which side should I choose?

This depends on the business and the purpose. For example, if you offer one or more services, it is better to report this on the landing page, a landing page. This is a one-page website that allows for a detailed description of the product or service. Their task is to convince the user to perform a specific action, for example,  order delivery or simply leave a request.

With the help of website builders you can create a landing page in no time and even yourself. There you can create a site in 30 minutes using ready-made blocks and templates, or a little longer using layout blocks that allow you to create a unique design.

Landing does not suit you in this case, if you need to describe the company’s activities in detail  and demonstrate its entire arsenal. For such tasks, it is best to use a multi-page website or an online shop.

Web Analytics

Web analytics is the  way to go after creating a website. This will allow you to add the website to the search engine and identify its weaknesses. Analytics allows you to collect and analyze information about visitors and their impactful ideas and actions. This will help you learn more about your target audience: what their needs are, what they want, etc. To add your website to the search engine and attract customers from there, you need to log in to Google Analytics. The service allows you to include your website in search queries and receive information for both  this search engine and  other search engines.

Contextual advertising

Contextual advertising: a kind of extension of web analysis. Allows you to create ads that are displayed according to the context of the page  in response to user queries in search engines or on thematic sites. For example, to publish ads on Google, use Google Ads.

You can use search engine ads to solve a number of problems:

Drive traffic to your new website: This is one of the fastest ways to get your product out there on the Internet.

Test the demand for your product: By running ads, you can quickly see if your product or service is really good.

Increase traffic in highly competitive niches where it is difficult to rank high in organic search results.

This is a very effective approach  to customer acquisition. However, to achieve good results, you need to understand how contextual advertising works and know how to use the tool.4. Targeted advertising in social networks

In addition to Facebook, the most popular social network for companies is Instagram.

  • These platforms are best used in the following cases:
  • To increase sales in the online store;
  • Promote groups in social networks;
  • Attract new participants for the webinar.

The reach will be wide, but there are some disadvantages: it involves bots and the fact that the ad can be shown  to the same person more than once. In this case, the cost of advertising is not  so high since it is aimed at those who need it.


A blog is an additional source of traffic that can be placed  on the website or on additional resources.

To achieve positive results from blogging, adhere to the following rules:

Create not only unique content, but also useful content  that is interesting to read;

Show yourself as an expert – talk about your company and try to convince the reader that you really know something; marketing plan strategizing.

Describe the product in a way that doesn’t make you afraid to buy it. For example, if you sell winter socks, you can say that it is warm even in the north – this eliminates the “fears” that it might be cold; talk about new products to generate demand.

After the text of the article, it is recommended to insert a call to action; You can do this by submitting an order form or an offer to subscribe to email newsletters.6. Link Baiting

This internet marketing tool allows you to earn backlinks to your website through content that readers  want to share.

Here are some examples that readers like to share:

A distinction is made between black and white  link baiting. The goal of the first is to get links. It doesn’t add value to readers and is often based on other people’s content. The second purpose  is to get links, provide value to visitors and draw attention to the product.


Chatbots are automated helpers that work in messaging and social networks. When someone writes  personal messages, the bot provides a ready-made response and  options for the customer to respond. With the help of such a tool, you can configure many scenarios for dialogue with the subscriber. For example, find the right thing based on the given parameters or simply take part in a quiz.

Email Marketing

With email marketing  you can establish communication between the company and the customer via mailing lists. Your main goals: convert visitors into customers, encourage repeat purchases, stay in touch with customers..