The Super Top-Up Health Insurance: What Is It?


The increasing costs of healthcare make it hard to figure out the right policy to choose. If you opt for an insurance policy with a higher amount of coverage, you end up paying excessively high rates.

However it is possible to be underinsured to cut down on the cost of insurance, and if an emergency medical situation comes knocking on your doorstep, you may be able to deplete your savings. What’s the solution? The answer is super-top-up health insurance on the internet.

Understanding Super Top-up Health Insurance

The super-top health insurance policy begins when your current coverage is exhausted. It covers costs that are beyond the amount (deductible) that is specified within the policies. A deductible is what you take out of your pockets before the super top-up policy goes into effect.

If you’re comparing a top-up policy to buying a more comprehensive insurance plan with a larger sum of money insured and a lower sum insured, the latter is the more affordable.

Additionally, unlike standard top-up plans that provide coverage for a single claim that exceeds the threshold super top-up plans permit multiple claims throughout the policy. If you have more medical expenses during your year the super top-up insurance remains in place.

What is this Super Top-Up Plan? How does it work?

A day passes, and you become sick and end up in hospital for treatment. The costs are around 5 lakh. In this scenario, only you will receive Rs3 lakh by your standard insurance, and you’ll have to pay the additional 2 lakh. This is because you are not yet over the deductible limit set on the policies.

However, the high-end medical insurance plan will indeed pay for all treatment costs since you already paid your deductible on the first claim.

Who is the ideal person to purchase the Super Top-Up Plan?

Super top-up plans are perfect for the following reasons:

If you are covered by an insurance plan for group health that is in force until you become associated with the company adding a supplement to the insurance with an extra top-up plan is a good idea. sense.

If you’re an elderly person you are more likely to develop ailments related to age or worsening any existing health issue is very high. Super top-up plans are suggested to ensure that you don’t be faced with financial issues due to frequent hospitalizations.

If you have a basic long-term health insurance policy but feel that the coverage is not sufficient, it is possible to get an extra top-up health insurance plan.

What Does a Super Top-Up Plan Cover?

A super top-up plan will cover both post-hospitalisation and pre-hospitalisation costs. In most cases, expenses up to 30 days before hospitalization are covered. However, the period is between 45 and 60 days for post-hospitalisation expenditures.

If your medical condition does not need hospitalization for a minimum of 24 hours, health insurance and the costs for daycare are paid for.

It is possible to use this plan as a way to purchase AYUSH (i.e., Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homoeopathy) treatments. Make sure that such treatments are offered by recognized hospitals.

If you’ve been diagnosed with coronavirus, a supplement plan can also aid you in paying for the costs of treatment.

Things to consider when purchasing the Super Top-Up Plan

Before purchasing this cover, go over the following guidelines:

  • Review the list of hospitals that are part of the network and be sure to find an accredited hospital in your region.
  • Examine and compare different claim settlement ratios of different insurers. Select one that has an over-95 percent.
  • Review the policy’s wording accessible on the insurance company’s website to review the policy’s exclusions and clauses.


Super Top-Up Health Insurance offers extra coverage when your current policy limits have been exceeded. It will cover medical expenses up to a certain threshold and provide an affordable alternative to premium policies. This policy is perfect for those who do not have adequate coverage or health insurance for group members. Be sure to verify network hospitals, claims settlement ratios, and policy specifics prior to buying to make sure they will meet your requirements.