9 IT-Based Strategies to Make Your Website More User-Friendly

9 IT-Based Strategies to Make Your Website More User-Friendly

Making sure your website is user-friendly is paramount for any business, as it provides customers with a better navigation experience and increases their chance of returning. Fortunately, you can use numerous IT-based strategies to make your website more user-friendly. Some include creating easy-to-follow buttons and menus, since that allows customers to know exactly where they need to go; using a streamlined layout, which reduces the amount of white noise and makes it easier for users to find what they’re looking for; and focusing on mobile optimization, which ensures that customers can enjoy an optimized viewing experience regardless if they’re using their computer or smartphone. Implementing these IT-based strategies will help your website stand out from the competition and give customers the streamlined viewing experience that they expect. If you’re reading this post, you’re probably looking for ways to make your website more user-friendly. You want visitors to your site to have a smooth and enjoyable experience that makes them want to come back again and again. Well, you’ve come to the right place! This article will cover nine IT-based strategies to make your website more user-friendly.

Speed Optimization

Speed optimization is essential for making sure your website loads quickly and efficiently. Slow loading time can be a major turnoff for visitors, so increasing the speed of your website should be one of your top priorities. Try using caching plugins and compressing images to ensure optimal loading speeds on all devices. For example, loading speed is particularly important if you sell different area rugs. You should check your website regularly to ensure it loads quickly and efficiently.

Responsive Design

A responsive design means your website looks great on desktop and mobile devices. This is vital in today’s world, where more than half of web traffic comes from smartphones and tablets. Ensure all elements of your website are optimized for different screen sizes so users can access the content they need without the hassle. If you’re selling area rugs, ensure your website is easy to navigate on all devices. You want customers to be able to find the right rug in seconds so that they can complete their purchase quickly and easily.

Clear Navigation

Visitors should be able to navigate easily through all pages of your website with minimal effort. A clear navigation system helps people quickly and painlessly find what they’re looking for, increasing their overall satisfaction with the site. Use dropdown menus and breadcrumb trails if necessary so people can easily explore other site areas. For example, if they’re looking at a specific rug, you should have navigation elements that let them view similar rugs or go back to the main rugs page.

Simplified Forms

Complex forms are a surefire way to turn away potential customers or leads interested in signing up or subscribing to your services or newsletter. Keep forms simple by only asking for necessary information and providing helpful tips throughout the process so users know exactly what they need to do at each stay. For example, if you’re asking for their address, provide a hint which explains that it should include the street, city, and zip code. Finally, add a helpful “submit” button and a useful error message if users accidentally enter something wrong. This will help alleviate confusion or frustration and keep customers engaged with your website.

Consistent Styling

Consistent styling makes it easier for users to recognize when they’re on a different page or section of the site, even if it looks slightly different than others they’ve seen before due to its content or purpose (e.g., product page vs. blog page). This also helps create a sense of familiarity with each visit which encourages loyalty over time and repeat visits from customers who know what to expect from you every time they come back! For example, if you have a website to sell rugs, make the buttons and icons related to purchasing items the same throughout, even if a different design for each page. This allows customers to easily find what they need without searching hard.

Voice Search Optimization

Voice search technology is rising in popularity, so optimizing your website accordingly is key if you want it to rank higher in voice search results. To do this, focus on creating content containing long tail keywords, natural language phrases, and other conversational terms commonly used by voice search users. Additionally, ensure all relevant pages have structured data markup containing relevant information about the page, including reviews, prices, etc. For example, if you have a different Best Selling Rugs Review page, make sure the markup includes details about the product, such as price and ratings. Doing so will help boost your website’s search engine rankings for voice searches, increasing traffic to your site. 

Error Detection & Prevention

It’s important to detect errors quickly so visitors don’t get frustrated when using features on your site or filling out forms correctly. Set up error prevention measures such as form validation scripts that alert users when something isn’t quite right before submitting their input, as well as error detection measures like log files that record all errors encountered along with details about how it was caused to help troubleshoot issues faster once detected. If you have a shopping cart on your site, use a secure connection and payment gateway to protect customers’ credit card or other financial information. By taking extra measures to ensure the security of your website, you can build trust with customers and help enhance user experience. 

Video Content

Video content is fast becoming one of the most powerful tools to engage customers online. Not only does video allow people who prefer visual mediums to see exactly what you’re offering, but it also keeps them coming back again and again, thanks to its inherently entertaining nature! Try adding videos related to directly or indirectly related topics within certain pages on your website while also providing written descriptions alongside them just in case some visitors aren’t able (or willing) to watch videos online at any given moment. For example, you could have a page about your product and include short videos of customers using it or the happy results they experienced. This can help to add an extra level of interactivity and engagement for visitors, which can, in turn, help enhance user experience.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Integration 

AI can be used across websites; chatbots provide an interactive way for visitors to ask questions; automated customer service systems can handle routine tasks like order inquiries; AI-powered search engines provide highly accurate results based on query parameters, etc. No matter how you incorporate AI into your website, doing so will make it much more user-friendly by providing personalized experiences tailored specifically toward individual needs! RugKnots, a rug-selling website, is a perfect example of harnessing AI technology to provide customers with the best possible user experience. They use an AI-powered search engine that helps customers find rugs that meet their desired criteria, such as color, size, and pattern. Additionally, they have integrated a chatbot into their website to field customer inquiries efficiently. Using these two features, RugKnots customers can find the perfect rug that meets their expectations quickly. AI can also be utilized for customer service, providing automated responses and suggestions to customers to improve user experience and reduce customer service costs.


By implementing these nine IT strategies, you can ensure visitors have an enjoyable experience visiting your site—and keep coming back repeatedly! From speed optimization techniques like caching plugins and image compression tools to artificial intelligence integration solutions, plenty of options are available to keep customers engaged no matter where they’re accessing online! All these strategies may seem daunting at first—but take one step at a time, research each option thoroughly before proceeding forward, and test out solutions frequently during development; soon enough, you’ll have created an amazing user experience that keeps paying off dividends over time! Good luck!