It’s very important to make sure that you study thoroughly for your exams. Some people don’t know what they’re doing when they sit the exams. This will mean that you will be told to retake your exams. It is also important to make sure that you understand the questions correctly.
It’s not always good to guess. That means you will have to spend a lot of time studying. Make sure that you are prepared and pay attention. You will get a Pass if you answer at least 75% of the GCSE Exam Centre questions right. If you don’t, you will be given an Unclassified.
It’s a really good idea to check your answers before taking the exam. This will help you to answer the questions in the right way. You should get to know your examiner very well. If they give you a question which you didn’t understand, don’t just guess. Make sure that you ask them what the question means. Some of them will understand what you mean and some of them won’t. Always be polite. A lot of people would like to help you but some will simply ignore you. Make sure that you get some help. You can also take some help from friends. Don’t forget to check your questions before you sit the exam. You should make sure that you know which questions you will be answering. There are always loads of questions.