Cranioplasty Surgery: What is it and What to Expect Afterwards?


A cranioplasty surgery, also known as cranial implant surgery or skull reconstruction, can be performed to repair the skull after an injury. The procedure involves filling in the damaged area of the skull with either synthetic materials, such as acrylic, or alloplastic materials taken from another part of the body, such as cartilage or bone harvested from the patient’s rib cage. Patients may have this surgery as a preventative measure, as well. Here’s what to expect before and after cranioplasty surgery in terms of both physical recovery and recovery time frame.

After brain surgery, the patient will be brought into a recovery room where they will be monitored. The patient’s blood pressure, heart rate, temperature and breathing rate will be monitored during this time. At first, the patient may feel tired or lightheaded for a few hours after surgery as well as experience nausea. These side effects should subside soon enough. The physician may prescribe painkillers.

What is Cranioplasty Surgery?

A cranioplasty surgery may be necessary when a person experiences facial trauma or has an infection, such as meningitis. This will usually involve the removal of skull fragments or plates that have been damaged. The surgery may also be done as a cosmetic procedure to reshape the forehead, nose, or other areas of the face in order to improve appearance. Recovery from this type of procedure can take several weeks. Aftercare during this time includes taking antibiotics for any infections that might occur and following doctor’s orders for pain management. It is important not to drink alcohol or do anything else that will increase bleeding risk while recovering from this type of surgery.

Why might you need Cranioplasty Surgery?

A cranioectomy is a surgical procedure done in order to remove the skull from the cranial cavity. There are many reasons that someone might need this surgery, with some of the most common reasons including trauma, infection, brain tumor, aneurysm, and other obstructions.

The surgery can last anywhere from two hours to six hours depending on what needs to be done. The recovery time can also vary based on how extensive your injury was as well as your medical history.

One thing that you should know about this surgery before deciding whether or not you want to have it done is that there are side effects after having undergone a cranioplasty. These side effects may include headaches, difficulty balancing and walking for a period of time after the surgery has been completed.

The Procedure

A cranial reconstruction surgery, also known as a Cranioplasty, is a procedure that rebuilds the skull using bone, metal plates and screws. The surgeon will make an incision on the scalp or forehead to expose the skull. Then they’ll drill holes in the skull where additional pieces of metal are attached. A graft made from a donor’s rib or hipbone may also be used to help provide additional strength. Finally, they’ll cover the entire area with muscle, skin and hair before stitching up the incision in your head.

Post-operative Care

It’s important that you maintain a healthy lifestyle post-operatively. This includes maintaining your normal activity levels, avoiding certain activities (including heavy lifting, contact sports, or anything else that might put undue stress on the head), and following any other instructions from your physician of Cranioplasty Surgery in Coimbatore. You should also maintain a healthy diet that includes enough calories for your increased needs. However, avoid eating foods with high sugar content until at least six months after surgery; these foods can increase inflammation in the skull bone healing process. Maintain good oral hygiene by brushing twice daily with a soft toothbrush or electric toothbrush, flossing once daily and using mouthwash as needed.

Risks and Complications

Cranioplasty surgery is a procedure that alters the shape of the skull, typically to help people with head injuries. The bones in your skull can get crushed, squished, or shifted after an injury. Cranioplasties are often used to treat cases of cerebral palsy. Your surgeon will remove parts of your skull and/or reshape it so that your brain can develop more normally. The most common risks and complications associated with cranioplasty surgery include infection (about 2% risk), blood clots (rare), bleeding inside the brain (rare), postoperative seizures (less than 1%), hemorrhage in the brain (rare)


Although Cranioplasty Surgery can be a scary procedure, the benefits of the surgery far outweigh the risks.Just keep in mind that you are not doing this journey alone. Everyone recovers differently and there is no right way or wrong way to heal. The most important thing is that you take care of yourself and do what feels best for your body. Good luck on your recovery!