10 Tips For Healthy Winter Skin Care

Skin Care

Winter months are a time when skin care is especially important. Although it is important to care for your skin all year long, there are some specific things that you can do in winter to improve your skin’s condition. Your skin can be affected by the cold weather, frosty indoor air and heating systems that are constantly on. You need to protect your skin from the elements both indoors and outdoors. Silky smooth skin balanced with hydration is the goal. You should have a soft, smooth skin that is not flaky or rough. It sounds perfect, doesn’t it? With the right routines, you can achieve perfect skin.

Trusted Advice from a World-famous Dermatologist

World’s Famous dermatologist offers these tips to maintain healthy skin during winter. If you have serious skin issues, now is the time to consult a dermatologist. They have offices in Stockbridge, Lawrenceville and McDonough. It can be very cold during the winter depending on where you live. The winter months of January, February and March are frosty and snowy. Springtime brings warmer temperatures.

The harsh winter weather can cause your skin to become tight, dry, irritated, and itchy. Nobody wants to experience that. These are just some of the issues that your skin may face during the winter months. You can maintain healthy skin all year round by following these 10 tips for winter skin.

Tips for Healthy Winter Skin Care

Use lukewarm showers and baths

The hot water in a shower can cause your skin to dry out. The same goes for your bathwater. It is also a good idea to keep bathing times between 5-10 minutes. The temperature should be kept below 110 degrees.

For your hand’s health, it’s important that you do not wash them multiple times a day with very hot water. You should wash your hands often, but remember that cooler water will kill the same flu and cold viruses as warm water. Hands will look better and be less irritated if you wash them with cooler water.

Avoid harsh artificial fragrances

It’s essential to avoid artificial fragrances when using cleaning products and body care products in the winter and all year long. This includes your clothes and skin care products. Search for fragrance-free detergent. On the labels of many mainstream and boutique cleaning products, it will be stated that they are fragrance-free.

You should also use clean beauty products for your body and face. Clean beauty products are those that do not contain excessive artificial fragrances. These harsh fragrances can irritate the skin, particularly in winter when the skin is more fragile and delicate. Check the ingredients of your body lotions, shampoos and soaps. Are they as organic and green as they can be? Don’t be deceived by the word unscented they must be labeled as fragrance-free in order to avoid harsh chemicals.

Set your thermostat to the right range

It is important to maintain the temperature of your home at a comfortable level. The heat can cause your skin to feel dry and irritated if you turn it up too high. The heat is sapping the life from your skin. Keep your thermostat between 68 and 72 degrees to avoid this. You can keep your house a bit cooler by wearing socks, slippers and an extra sweater.

Use a Humidifier

A humidifier is something you might want to buy for your home in the winter. If you live in a large home, you may need more than one humidifier. A humidifier’s goal is to moisten the air. The humidifier will moisten the air when your heating system makes it dry. This is bad for your skin. You should have a humidifier in your bedroom to hydrate your skin all night. It’s best to place them in rooms where you spend most of your time. A second one in the living room or kitchen would be ideal.

Choose more hydrating skin care products

It may be time to switch to richer skin care products if you use mostly oil-free cleansers and lotions all year. This includes using thicker facial creams and cream-based cleansers at night to add moisture. If your skin feels tight and dry, you may want to use a hydrating face mask several times per week. It may be beneficial to layer your skin care products and serums containing hyaluronic acids. Hyaluronic Acid is a wonderful skin care ingredient. It can add moisture to your skin’s layers that need it and make it glow.

Use Sunscreen

You should wear an SPF 30 or higher every day to protect your skin now and into the future. In winter, the sun still shines in most days. Even if you spend less time outside than you would in the summer, it will still affect your skin. It’s easy to maintain a good sunscreen habit by putting sunscreen in your daily moisturizer. Protecting your skin against the harmful UVA/UVB sun rays will also prevent premature aging, which is reflected in wrinkles and lines. Sunscreen will protect your skin all year long. Even on cold, grey days in winter, the sun can still shine through. Do not forget this.

Layer your clothing correctly

Sometimes, harsh winter clothing like wool can irritate the skin. Wearing thinner layers of clothing made from skin-sensitive fabrics such as silk or 100% cotton can help. This will prevent your skin from being irritated when wearing heavier coats and sweaters.

Eat a Balanced Diet

Your skin can be affected by what you eat. Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables along with heart-healthy fats and proteins such as avocados and nuts. A well-balanced, healthy diet will make your skin radiant and resilient.

Hydrate Well With Lots Of Water

Getting enough water is another way to improve your skin. As a general rule, aim to drink 8 glasses of water per day. Purchase a refillable bottle made of glass or aluminum. You will be more likely to drink the recommended amount of water if you keep it on you all the time. If you want your water to taste better, add slices of cucumber, lemon or lime.

Exfoliate & Moisturize

During the winter, dead skin cells can accumulate on your skin. This can lead to dryness and flakes. If you don’t regularly exfoliate, your moisturizers and oils will have difficulty penetrating the skin. Exfoliate your entire body at least twice a week in order to maximize the effectiveness of your moisturizers. When you follow this regimen, your skin will be silky smooth.