How far back do most employers go for background checks?


Most states allow employers to search back no farther than five years, but may go back further depending on federal and state laws. Federal law allows employers to conduct criminal record searches as far back as 10 years. State laws may vary and are not always consistent with federal law.

Federal law also allows employers to search federal civil rights records, which includes any arrests made by the police regardless of whether or not the case was dropped. Court records can be kept back as long as five years. Federal law allows employers to search records of prior Background check marriages and bankruptcies, including bankruptcies that were discharged.

The minimum age requirement to work varies from state to state. In New York, individuals 16 and 17 may not work, but 19-20-year-olds are allowed to work, while 21-22 year olds are allowed to work with parental permission. Other states have minimum ages of 20-25-27. It is important to check local laws when considering a job opportunity.

Your credit score can make or break your chances of getting a loan. If you’ve been turned down before for a loan, it might be a good idea to check your credit report to see if anything has been overlooked. If you do this, be sure to get at least one copy in writing.