How to Resolve Family Disputes


Disagreements within families have become a common issue in society. Family breakdowns due to divorce or separation are increasing day by day. Divorce and child-related disputes can tear a family apart. Inheritance conflicts often arise after a parent’s death, where children don’t receive equal benefits. Divorce disputes are due to differences and incompatibility between parents.  Disputes regarding children can occur due to parental responsibility issues, such as not returning a child to the custodial parent. Here are different options to resolve family disputes and guidance on choosing the best option.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Arbitration is the most common alternative for dispute resolution. It is used for financial matters and disputes regarding parental responsibility for children. A well-educated individual with legal knowledge is appointed as an arbitrator to make formal judgments on disputed matters and provide legal advice. The arbitrator’s decision is considered final and legal. A court order is required to make an official decision. Arbitration allows you to express your point of view and receive legal advice at the same time. Family law arbitration services help you resolve disputes and arguments, avoiding prolonged court discussions.

Mutual Law Resolution

Collaboration is a mutual law dispute resolution process between you and the other party. There will be solicitors or lawyers representing each party, working together to resolve your legal matters. Both solicitors will collaborate to reach a mutual agreement on the disputed matter. Each party will sign a contract to make the agreement official. If the solicitors cannot reach a mutual decision, the final option is to go to court to resolve the matter.

Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution in a family can also be called mediation. It is a comparatively less problematic way to resolve disputes. An unbiased mediator will tell you the pros and cons of both sides of your matter, but they do not offer legal advice. The mediator acts as a neutral party and guides both sides to resolve the issues and arguments. Mediators help you reach a mutually beneficial agreement and keep the discussion calm. In mediation, the final agreement is not legally binding unless the parties request a court to make it official. This process ensures that both parties present their point of view and that the resolution is fair and agreed upon by both groups.

Making the Right Decision

You can make the right decision based on the nature of the disputes and arguments between the parties. Communication is most important to resolve any matter. If the parties do not communicate with each other calmly, then arbitration is the best choice. If the disputed matter is very complicated and you want legal advice for your case, you can also get help from an arbitrator to make a formal judgment. If the disputed matter is related to children, you should take advice from a child custody lawyer, as family issues related to parental responsibility after separation can be complex. You can choose mediation when you prefer to communicate with the other party in a non-formal and civilized manner.