Immunity Boosting Foods To Build A Healthy Life


With the flu season just approaching, a lot of us are thinking about ways to keep our immune systems at top shape. Although a steady supply of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants are required to keep it operating at its peak nutritious foods and supplements aren’t the end-all-be-all. Our immune systems are affected by a myriad of elements, not just one particular nutrients. Sleeping enough and exercising regularly – and eating a balanced diet are all essential to assisting the body’s ability to fight off infection and illness.

The immune system of the body is its primary defense against illness, infection and diseases. It’s a vast system of tissues, cells, and organs that coordinate the body’s defenses against bacterial and viruses as well as contaminants that could threaten our health. One of the most important elements in our body’s immunity boosting foods are the millions of protective white blood cells which guard the lymphatic system and bloodstream always on the lookout for signs of illness that could be suspicious. After being identified our immune system triggers an immune response to fight the illness and will remember it to be able to recognize it subsequent times.

Food choices can help support our immune system, by providing it with the necessary nutrients to create a protective response to oxidative stress and combat it which includes antioxidants, phytonutrients minerals, vitamins, and fiber. Make sure to include a broad variety of colorful whole foods, fruits and veggies from the following list The more variety you have, the more appealing.

Immunity Boosting Foods To Build A Healthy Life

Blood oranges

The humble orange may not garner attention as other trendy’ superfoods’ however, blood oranges are among the true superfoods in the family of citrus. They provide an antioxidant five times higher than power of regular oranges and the same amount of vitamin C. Studies have shown that drinking daily glasses of juice from blood oranges over seven days may help in reducing inflammation and increase the levels of antioxidants in blood.

Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt is probiotic-rich and is loaded with more nutrients than standard yogurt. A meta-analysis published in the journal found that those who consumed probiotics every day were less likely to getting a cold than those who did not consume any probiotic-rich foods.


Pomegranate is a source of polyphenols that help prevent and treat colds and coughs. Studies have proven that concentrated quantities of antioxidants derived from polyphenols such as those in the juice of pomegranate, can decrease the duration of colds by up to 40 percent.

Brazil nuts

Brazil nuts are rich in selenium, an essential mineral that helps protect against the effects of oxidative stress. Selenium is also proven to aid in fighting viruses, so eating two or three Brazil nuts daily in the course of the meal or snack plan can help ensure that your immune system has sufficient selenium to remain healthy.

Wild salmon

Wild salmon is a rich source of zinc, which is a nutrient that has been found to help reduce typical cold-related symptoms. It is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids that aid to reduce inflammation. They also stop viral infections, and improve the function of immune cells.


Studies conducted by researchers at the University of California reported broccoli can be an excellent supplement to your diet when you’re trying prevent the onset of a cold. Broccoli along with other cruciferous veggies were found to improve immunity. This is due to sulforaphane chemical found that is found in the vegetable. It stimulates the antioxidant enzymes and genes inside certain immune cells. As a result they fight free radicals and lower the risk of developing diseases.

Green tea

Green tea is often listed on lists of super nutritious foods with reasons that are well-founded. It is a rich source of flavonoids, an antioxidant that improves immunity and also is anti-inflammatory in nature. According to a study this is the antioxidant catechin which is a major component of green tea. It is an effective antibacterial and antiviral and has the ability to fight viruses that cause colds, as well as the influenza virus.


In the case of fighting common colds ginger is among the best food options for relieving. In a study released in the International Journal of Preventative Medicine Researchers discovered that the powerful anti-inflammatory properties of ginger are the primary reason for ginger’s ability to fight colds or flu.


Shallots have up to six times the amount of polyphenols as the typical onions. This is due to the quercetin amount. Quercetin is a key ingredient in aiding the body to fight free radical damage that is a cause of disease.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is a rich source of magnesium that is a crucial mineral helping to strengthen your immune system. Magnesium aids lymphocytes to bind with pathogens, allowing them to be eliminated out of the body. Be sure to select most dark chocolate (80 percent cocoa and over) to reap the greatest amount of magnesium and immune boosting benefits.


With a double vitamin C content of oranges and packed with antioxidants such as Zeaxanthin and lutein, kiwis are one of the highest nutritionally dense fruit in the world! Numerous compounds, ranging including vitamin C and fiber as well as polyphenols and carotenes are proven to improve immunity and all of them are present in kiwis.


Many spices and herbs are famous for their antimicrobial and immune-boosting properties. Oregano is one of the herbs which is worth incorporating into your meals. It’s got essential oils that are well-known for their antimicrobial, an antifungal and antiviral properties. They may be useful in the treatment of bacterial infections.

The final word

The food we consume can affect the immune system, with some foods linked to reducing the chance of getting sick or speeding recovery when we fall ill. Like always, the main thing to remember is to eat fresh whole food as much as you can, and to consume a variety of colorful (and delicious) food items. If you eat less processed food that are processed, you can lower the risk of developing diseases and boost immune function.