Preschool has its own inimitable advantages for a child. Preschool will be a great time for your child to have the social experiences with its peers and to benefit from the care, training and guidance by the elders. However, sending their kid to preschool is not an easy decision for any parent. Issues like separation from the child, safety, security, health and happiness of the child are important questions that will put any parent under bewilderment. If you are experiencing this situation as a parent and would like to know if your kid really needs to attend a preschool, this post is for you.
What to expect from a preschool
Every parent on the earth faces the dilemma before sending their child to a preschool. A moment of guilt or anxiety about sending the young one to a preschool is almost unavoidable. Such a guilt or anxiety is due to the belief that enrolling your child at a playschool is necessary to make them do well in kindergarten. Most parents share the opinion that their child will not have the competitive academic advantage in is first grade without attending a preschool.
Unfortunately, this is a common misunderstanding that most parents have. The crucial role of a Jewish Learning Preschool Phoenix East Valley with your child is not about academics. It is not absolutely necessary that your kid must have mastered some basic language and mathematical skills before attending a regular school. On the other hand, the principal role of a preschool is far different. Here are the different objectives a preschool will want to achieve with your child.
Social relationships and good behavior
At the preschool, the kid gets to interact and socialize with its peers, teachers, staff and other elders. This will give an opportunity for the child to learn social manners and the basics of social relationships. A preschool is the best place where a child can learn good behavior and give up its harmful and bad habits. How to say Yes and No; how to express opinions and ideas; how to convey one’s needs and expectations; and how to adjust to situations are some important aspects of social behavior that are learnt well at a preschool than at home. Remember a system like a preschool is more powerful and hence can assure a better learning experience for your child.
Learning school routines
Children are still too young when they start going to school. For most children, it will take some time to pick up and get adjusted to the routines of attending a school. In this regard, a preschool can help the child learn the school routines easily in a relaxed fashion. Therefore, it is most likely that kids will not feel tensed or stressed while attending a kindergarten.
Take away
The importance and advantages of letting your child undergo preschool training is proved through several studies. While putting your child in a preschool, remove all your tall claims about academic learning. Let the preschool atmosphere give whatever is best for your child in a gradual phase.
For more information about Reggio Based Preschool Please Visit : CHANDLER JEWISH PRESCHOOL & KINDERGARTEN