Mastering Parallel Parking: A Guide for Driving Instructors at LTrent Driver School


Parallel parking is considered one of new drivers’ most difficult maneuvers. With practice and the correct guidance, it is possible to learn how to parallel park. LTrent Driving School instructors must equip their students with the techniques and knowledge needed to parallel park successfully. We will look at effective strategies and tips in this guide to help learners learn parallel parking.

Understanding the Basics

Before moving on to the practical aspects, learners must have a basic understanding of the maneuver. Explain to learners the purpose of the maneuver, which is parking a parallel-parked vehicle between two parked automobiles. It would help if you emphasized that precision and spatial knowledge are essential to safely executing the maneuver.

Breaking Down The Steps

You can simplify parallel parking by breaking it down into a number of sequential steps. This is a step-by-step guide for parallel parking.

Selecting Parking Spots: Teach your students to identify parking spaces that are large enough to hold their vehicles. Please encourage them by telling them to seek out spaces that are, at minimum, one-and-a-half times the length of their car.

Positioning your Vehicle: Explain to learners that they should pull alongside the vehicle parked directly in front of a space. They should leave approximately 2 to 3 feet of clearance. Remind the learners to give a clear indication of their intention to park.

Alignment: Guide learners on how to align their vehicle with a parked auto, placing the rear bumper line up with the back bumper of the car. Please encourage them to use reference points, like the door handles or mirrors, as a way to measure their alignment.

Reverse-and-Turn: Explain to learners that they should shift into reverse and slowly back up while rotating the steering wheel to the full right. It is important to emphasize that you must maintain a constant and slow speed in order to prevent collisions with obstacles or other vehicles.

Checking Blind Spots And Mirrors: Encourage learners throughout the maneuvers to check side and rearview mirrors to ensure there is sufficient space from obstacles and vehicles.

Straightening: When their rear has cleared the front of the car, have the students straighten the wheel and reverse back into the space. They should be reminded to drive at a controlled pace.

Adjusting Position: Guide learners through the process of adjusting their positioning within the parking space. Please make sure that they are oriented in the correct direction, that they are parallel to the kerb, and that they are centred. I would appreciate it if you could advise them to use their side mirrors or rearview mirrors in order to appropriately judge their position.

Practical Tips for Learners

As well as the step-by-step process, teach learners some practical tips and methods to improve their skills in parallel parking:

Practice Makes Perfect: To build confidence, encourage students to practice parallel parks in various locations, such as empty parking lots or quiet roads.

Use Visual References: Teach students to use visual reference points, such as parking lines or objects along the curb, in order to gauge distances and alignments when parallel parking.

Stay Calm: Remind yourself to remain calm during the maneuver. Distractions and anxiety can affect performance.

Patience, Persistence, And Time: Remind your learners that mastering Parallel Park requires patience and time. Encourage learners to persist despite any initial challenges or mistakes.


As driving instructors, we are responsible for ensuring our learners have the skills and information they need to be able to navigate roads with confidence and safety. By implementing teaching strategies and following this guide, we can help driver’s master parallel parking. Parallel parking becomes a manageable skill with enough practice and persistence.