What’s it like to be a taxi driver?

Taxi service

This time, we will introduce information that you are interested in when looking for a job, such as the current state of the taxi industry and the way taxi drivers work. We will introduce the necessary qualifications and annual income together, so please refer to it.

What is the current situation of taxi drivers?

First, I would like to talk about the current state of the taxi industry.

On April 7, 2020, a state of emergency was declared based on Article 32, Paragraph 1 of the Act on Special Measures against Pandemic Influenza. At that time, the target was only areas with large populations, including metropolitan areas, but due to the spread of infection, the target was expanded to all prefectures.

Although the declaration was lifted at the end of May, it has been confirmed that the number of people, mainly at retail facilities and public transportation, has decreased significantly due to calls for refraining from going out for non-essential purposes.

As a result, the performance of the transportation industry as a whole, including the taxi industry, declined in 2020 and 2021, but in 2022, for the first time in three years, there will be a long vacation without a declaration of a state of emergency, and performance is on a recovery trend. can be said.

*1 Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism 2021 White Paper on Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism

Shortage of human resources

It has long been said that there is a shortage of human resources in any industry, and the taxi industry has also been pointed out that there is a shortage of human resources. Especially in the corona crisis, retirements continue due to poor performance and health concerns, and there is a tendency for the industry as a whole to strengthen recruitment in response.

In addition to jobs that welcome inexperienced workers, there are also more attractive jobs such as infectious disease countermeasures and new business models. It may be a good time to challenge the taxi industry now that business is recovering.

Income gap

Of course, a taxi driver’s job is to get customers into taxis. Therefore, it is true that areas with a large population have more boarding’s and higher incomes.

According to the current status of wages and working hours for taxi drivers (*2), which is announced every year by the National Hire-Taxi Federation, it can be confirmed that there is a difference in annual income of about 300,000 GBP depending on the prefecture. .

If you want to make more money as a taxi driver, you should consider regional annual differences.

*2 Current status of wages and working hours for taxi drivers in 2021 by the National Hire-Taxi Federation 

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Taxi driver job introduction

How a taxi driver works

The work of taxi drivers can be divided into “day shift”, “night shift” and “alternate day shift”.

Day shift

As the name suggests, it is a day shift. It is undoubtedly an advantage that the physical burden is less because you can work according to the general rhythm of waking up in the morning and going to sleep at night.

Many people who want to change their careers to taxi drivers want this type of work. The reality is that there isn’t.


shift The night shift is mainly from evening to early morning. It is a big point that the salary will be higher than working in the day shift because there will be late-night fees.

It’s also the time to make money for taxis, and it’s not uncommon for people to line up in front of the station late at night or after the last train. If you want to earn more money, we recommend working night shifts.

・Alternate day work

There is also a “alternate day work” that combines day and night shifts and works for about 20 hours.

As for work hours, there are many patterns that include a break on the next day from noon to evening to the next day’s morning to noon.

It is a work style that Tunbridge Wells Taxi companies have introduced because it is a work style that allows you to take a long vacation while earning money. Of course, there is a break, but it will be necessary to consult with your physical strength because you will be working long hours.

income of taxi driver

Next, isn’t it the annual income that everyone is concerned about?

According to the 2021 Wage Structure Basic Statistical Survey (*3) announced by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the monthly salary of a taxi driver (regular employee) is 225,000 GBP and the bonus is 1 million GBP. We can say 3.7 million GBP.

According to the 2020 Private Salary Survey released by the National Tax Agency, the average annual income of regular employees in Japan is 4.96 million GBP, so the average annual income of regular employees is higher than the national average. I would say a little low.

By the way, in the case of non-regular employment, the average hourly wage for taxi drivers is 1,317 GBP, and the average annual bonus is 117,000 GBP.

This is just a national average, and as mentioned above, there is a difference in annual income between urban areas where there are many opportunities to use taxis and rural areas where population is small. In addition to regional differences, salaries also vary according to working hours and the size of the company.

*3 e-start Government Statistics General Window Wage Structure Basic Statistical Survey

*4 National Tax Agency 2020 Private Salary Survey

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